All About Myopia, Nearsightedness

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All About Myopia, Nearsightedness

All About Myopia, Nearsightedness

Learn everything you need to know about myopia, nearsightedness - how do you prevent it, detect it and treat it.

Having difficulty seeing objects from afar and clear vision at near objects is commonly a sign of a blur vision problem called Myopia, also known as nearsightedness. It is a type of refractive error in the eyes. This occurs when the shape of your eye causes light ray to bend incorrectly, focusing images in front of your retina instead on your retina. Also, when an eyeball is too long, the light that passes through the eyes will not fall onto the retina. All these will typically result in good enough vision to read a book or computer screen but struggle to see objects far away.

Myopia may develop gradually or rapidly, often worsening during childhood and puberty. Myopia also tends to run in families. A basic eye examination can confirm nearsightedness. You can compensate for the blur with eyeglasses, contact lenses or refractive surgery.

Till date, scientists are still unsure of why the eyeball grows too long and they have narrowed down some of the risk factors that is related to myopia progression.

1. Genetic Factors - It has been found that if both parents are myopic, there is a higher chance of the child has myopia.
2. Near Work - As Singapore is considered one of the best Education systems in the world, the number of hours at near work (books & screen time) has increased. This will increase the chance of the child to develop myopia.
3. Night Lighting - Children tends to read under poor lighting may influence excessive eye growth and develop myopia.

Read more about the article above here.

Myopia is a condition usually starts as early as childhood. Children with myopic parents have higher chances of developing myopia. It is often discovered in children as young as 3-4 years old and correction is necessary to slow down the rate of progression in myopia.

Myopia - Nearsightedness symptoms can include:

  • The need to squint or partially close the eyelids to see clearly

  • Blurry vision when looking at distant objects

  • Headaches caused by eyestrain

  • Difficulty seeing while driving a vehicle, especially at night (night myopia)

Myopia - Nearsightedness is often first detected during childhood and is commonly diagnosed between the early school years through the teens. A child with nearsightedness may behave:

  • Persistently squint

  • Need to sit closer to the television, movie screen or the front of the classroom

  • Seem to be unaware of distant objects

  • Blink excessively

  • Rub his or her eyes frequently

Once a child is suspected of having the above symptoms, he or she should get their eyes tested at an Optometrist in Singapore. Do take note that if the child is below the age of 8 years old, you should bring your child to visit an optometric practice. Myopia control spectacle lenses or contact lenses are commonly prescribed by Optometrists and Opticians should myopia be detected.

As quoted from, there are some methods you can follow to encourage outdoor activities:

1. Bring your child to the playground. A regular trip to the playground does not just ensure that your child do some physical activities, but also helps to promote social skills as he learns to play with other children.
2. Take a walk in the park or to the shops. You can also walk your pet or go on a nature trail.
3. Take a trip to the beach and have fun as a family, building sand castles.
4. Encourage your child to take up active hobbies like cycling or swimming to spend more time outdoors.
5. Play outdoor games like football, basketball or frisbee and involve the world family.

While outdoors, it is best to observe safety as well:

1. Avoid the hottest periods of the day (11am to 4pm).
2. Ensure your child drinks plenty of water.
3. Apply sunblock lotion and wear a cap and sunglasses to protect against the sunlight.
4. Use appropriate safety gear where necessary e.g. when rollerblading or cycling.

Find out how to get an eyecheck and discuss different myopia treatment with our Optometrist and Optician today. Click here, email or contact +65 9383 8569 for further inquiries.